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How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off

If I asked you and a group of other people to raise a hand if you've lost a hundred pounds, not so many hands would probably wouldn't fly into the air. How about if we rephrase that same sentence to "have lost 100 pounds at different times?" It's likely that most hands go up.

The problem is that most people have lost hundreds of pounds but their body doesn't show it because that weight has been found.

1. Don't follow a fad diet

Fad diets are notorious for helping you to drop 10lbs in a weekend but what they forget to mention is that it won't stay.

When following a fad diet (or any new diet plan for that matter), you are losing water first and foremost. Most of these diets follow a restrictive plan of only eating vegetables or reducing something important which causes your cells to expell water as they shrink from the lack of muscle glycogen they're receiving (essentially your energy).

2. Weight Train

Weight training doesn't necessarily speed up your metabolism, per se, however, muscle burns more calories at rest than fat (around 30-50 calories for each pound of muscle, per day) so you naturally burn more throughout the day with more muscle.

Besides that, weight training increases your muscle mass and will reduce fat, burns a lot of calories during exercise, keeps you and your bones strong, add variety...we could go on.

3. Make Your Body A Small Experiment

Know. Your. Body. Every single person is different and that makes a HUGE difference when it comes to maintaining weight. Some bodies prefer fats over carbs, some need extra cardio to stay fit, some don't need any at all. Some people need to avoid certain things while others thrive. Play around with protein powders/bars, caffeine intake, and everything else under the sun to figure out what works the best for you.

Some things to think about:

1. Do you have more energy, sleep better, are able to manage stress, have a higher libido, recover from workouts better when you eat a specific way over another?

2. Do you notice feeling a certain way either emotionally or physically after eating certain foods/types of foods? (ex. Eating one cookie sends you into a tailspin for 50).

3. How does cardio affect your body? Do you feel good or bad when you do a lot? Does your body feel leaner or more inflamed?

4. Reduce Your Stress

This one is way easier said than done of course but majorly important when it comes to maintaining your weight and size. Consistent stress will raise your cortisol levels, put your body into fight or flight response and throw a bunch of things in your body out of whack. Constant stress can cause significant changes to your hormone levels which can greatly impact the way your respond to both training and nutrition.

Ways to Combat:

1. Start a new habit such as journaling or meditating for a few minutes each day.

2. Find something that helps you to relieve stress such as exercise, a walk, talking, etc.

3. Get some extra sleep

4. Reduce stressors as much as possible

5. Don't Make Gaining it Back an Option

Pants feeling a little snug? Something needs to change. It doesn't matter the circumstances: your body is a priority. If the scale is going up, clothes are fitting different than it's time to reign it in. Change up your food and portion sizes, don't skip your workouts and/or add in something extra to kick it back into high gear. Don't keep old pants in your closet to pull out "just in case," don't keep foods you know you'll overeat in the house (hello Girl Scout Cookie season!) and don't let other things get in the way of the only body you have.


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