How To Stay Healthy During Quarantine
While most of us are not officially in quarantine yet due to COVID-19, many are self quarantining in order to protect everyone.
Whether you're working from home, or completely off and homeschooling the kids, it's important to stay healthy during a time where normal routines are off.
Read on to hear our biggest "Do's" and "Don'ts" of staying healthy during this time!
Watch unnecessary snacking throughout the day.
Being home can often lead to some mindless eating throughout the day. Just because you are home and bored doesn't mean you need to find snacks to keep your occupied.
Starve yourself because you're not moving as much
Just because you're not moving as much as you normally do doesn't mean you have to starve. You are still burning calories at rest, just not as many! Follow your nutritional plan and ask your trainer/coach to help you adjust if necessary. Times like this can be a good diet break or maintenance time as well.
Get some activity in at least 5 days a week
Even if you don't normally exercise 5 days a week, now is a good time to just simply get in some extra activity. Aim for as many workouts as you normally do by doing a home workout or going for a run/long walk. On the other days, be sure to get in some activity like walking outside, doing some stretching or other form of cardio.
Use staying home/the gym being closed as an excuse not to exercise
While having your normal routine makes it better of course, staying home does not mean that you have an excuse not to exercise. Take a detour from your normal and try something new. Do a workout video (like the ones we post on our YouTube Channel), work on your running/hiking, do some yoga or something new!
Set a morning alarm every day
While you may not physically have to be at work, or heck, even get ready for work, it's good for your body and your mental state to lead life as normally as possible. You maybe don't have to wake up quite as early as you normally do, but try to keep your routine as similar as possible.
Sleep in every single day
Sleeping in feels great but it doesn't set you on a good trajectory for the day. While you may be able to snooze a little later, set an alarm to wake up and get in a good morning routine as you normally would. Sleeping in not only doesn't help your circadian rhythm but it will make it extra difficult to get back to normal when you have to.
Focus on eating as normal as possible
While there is a lot of talk of stocking up on food and staying home, try and maintain your normal, healthy meals. Incorporate vegetables (fresh or frozen), watch your portions and get a decent amount of protein.
Overeat on foods you don't normally have because "you can."
This is a time of uncertainty and grabbing food that's available is definitely something that's likely to occur. Just because you can have things you don't normally eat, doesn't mean you should go crazy. Maintain normal portions, and don't forget your goals.
Get some fresh air
Take a walk, walk the dog, do some work outside--just leave the house for some Vitamin D!
Stay inside all day, everyday
Staying inside is easy to do when you don't have anywhere to go. . Staying inside can not only be stuffy, but also make you feel incredibly isolated. Get out everyday that the weather permits for some fresh air.
Those are our biggest tips for staying healthy during this weird time we're in right now!
Stay healthy and safe