Say Goodbye to "Bat Wing" Arms (Forever!)

[Imagine: Wo/man grabs area beneath arm and pinches. "I want to get rid of this"]
We've heard many different names for the jiggly bits underneath the arms. Whether you call them "bat wings," "bingo flappers" or just "flab," we're here to tell you how to reduce that underarm wiggle and start feeling better about your arms overall!
The answer to how to get rid of bat wings is actually very simple.
There are two things that need to be done:
1. Lose weight
2. Build muscle
While it is impossible to spot reduce fat loss and lose weight from just the arms, overall fat reduction will help shrink them a bit and start to give you the look and feel that you are going for. This can be done through a proper diet and regular exercise.
To build muscle, you must begin by incorporating resistance training into your routine if you don't already do so, or using some targeted moves to work your arms if you already do lift weights. Building muscle is imperative not only to make you look better but also for burning more calories and leading a healthier life.
When losing body fat, skin can sometimes become "empty" depending on your genetics and skin elasticity. Although you can't shrink skin, you can build up some of the area with muscle which will fill out emptiness and make you look more defined.
For arm movements, you'll want to work the whole arm but also place significant focus on the tricep area.
So what exercises should I do?
1. Push-Ups!
One of the oldest, most simple, exercises is actually one of the best for your triceps and really, arms in general (along with your core and chest!). To really hit your triceps, a closer grip works better than a wider one.
To perform a push-up, begin on all fours. Either get into a plank position with the toes directly behind you and hands under the shoulders or on the knees so the hands are under the shoulders and top of the knees on the floor. Bring the chest down to the floor keeping your abs tight the entire time. Push back up to complete the rep.
2. Tricep Push Downs or Kickbacks
This can be done at the gym on a cable machine, with bands or with a dumbbell (or even a water bottle/something with a little weight).
To perform a push-down, stand with your feet about hips distance apart with soft knees. Keeping the abs tight, grab the band or pulley and bend the arm to a 90* angle. Keeping the elbows tight to the body, push down and flare the wrists out slightly at the end.
To perform a kickback, bend over at the waist, pulling the shoulder blades tight. Bend the arms to a 90* angle and "glue" your elbows to the body. Holding the weight in your hands, kick backwards with the forearms. Bring back to starting position to complete the rep.
3. Tricep Dips (Bench)
If you have had shoulder injuries, tricep dips might not be the best exercise for you. This exercise can be modified to make it easier or harder depending on what you need.
To perform, sit on a bench or sturdy coffee table/chair with your hands facing towards your front. Bring your butt off the bench, either keeping the feet out straight in front of you with heels on the floor or bent and feet flat on the floor. Keeping your body as close to the bench as possible, bend your elbows to lower yourself down and then straighten to push back up.
4. Bent Over Row
The row is a great exercise for your arms and back. While it doesn't focus exclusively on the triceps, this movement should be done often.
For this exercise, you will need dumbbells or something similar to a dumbbell. To perform, bend at the waist, pulling the shoulder blades tight and keeping the back flat. Dumbbells are straight in front of you, palms facing one another. Pull the arms in, bringing the dumbbells up to the ribs. Keep your abs and back tight the entire time.
5. Overhead Tricep Extension
This movement is almost the opposite of a tricep pushdown and just as effective. Hold a dumbbell over the head and keep the elbows tight to your head. Extend your arms straight up, then bend at the elbow to bring back down.
How Many/How Much?
For all of these movements, depending on your current routine, add 3-4 sets of 2-3 of the exercises into your workouts. Perform 12-15 repetitions during each set to start.
While not an exercise for your arms, performing cardio in addition to strength training or adding cardio into your daily routine will help you to burn more calories throughout the day and in turn burn fat faster. As mentioned above, this is key and getting the tank top arms you want!
* - (Image Source)