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Oct 3, 2018
Say Goodbye to "Bat Wing" Arms (Forever!)
[Imagine: Wo/man grabs area beneath arm and pinches. "I want to get rid of this"] We've heard many different names for the jiggly bits...

Sep 18, 2018
How to Get the Best Sleep of Your Life
If you currently get 8-9 hours of sleep, don't wake up in the middle of the night, and get up in the morning naturally feeling rested...

Aug 16, 2018
Gut Health and You (+ How to Help)
Hippocrates once said "All disease begins in the gut" and to his credit, he was right. Your gut is responsible for almost everything when...

Jul 24, 2018
Why High Intensity Interval Training is Good for You
We've revealed our latest challenge in a new video! One month of High Intensity Interval Training is on deck to see how we can change our...
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