Oct 18Kiwi Spoon Southington, CT | Jeff and Alexis Of Commence Fitness Personal Training have Froyo in SouthingtonFroyo is underrated. Why do I say that? Well, I feel like every town had approximately 10 frozen yogurt places up until the pandemic,...
Oct 11Cotton Hollow Kitchen, CT | Commence Fitness Personal Trainers Find Something Healthy at a Burger Restaurant | South Glastonbury, CTSometimes you just really need a burger. That was a situation we found ourselves in last week, so we went to Cotton Hollow kitchen in...
Oct 7Loteria Southington, CT | Commence Fitness Personal Trainers Find Something Healthy At A Local Mexican RestarauntWhat's up, guys? This is Jeff, owner of Commence Fitness Personal Training in Southington and Sorta Healthy trainer education on Youtube....
Oct 7Viron Rondo Cheshire, CT | Commence Fitness Personal Trainers Eat Healthy At Viron RondoHey guys, this is Jeff, owner of Commence Fitness personal Training in Southington, and Sorta Healthy Trainer Education. Sorta Healthy...